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WordPress Plugins

Wordpress Theme Detector

5 WordPress Theme Detectors

Imagine you’re exploring the vast world of WordPress, where people create websites. One important decision is picking the right “look” for your website, called a theme. Now, sometimes you stumble upon a cool website with a design that grabs your attention. You might wonder, “which theme did they use for this awesome site?” No worries! […]

Woocommerce vs Shopify

Shopify vs WooCommerce – which is better for your store

The choice between Shopify & WooCommerce has been a big confusion among business owners and entrepreneurs. The platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, making the decision an important one to start your online store. In this blog, we will show the Shopify vs. WooCommerce comparison to help you make an informed choice for your e-commerce […]

Wordpress newsletter plugins | sahad sarang

Top 9 Newsletter Plugins for Your Website

Are you looking to boost engagement with your audience and keep your website visitors informed? If so, implementing a newsletter on your WordPress website is a fantastic way to achieve this. Newsletters help you stay in touch with your subscribers and share valuable content directly in their inbox. To create an effective newsletter, you’ll need […]

AI Tools

how to add signature in gmail

How to add signature in Gmail

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a signature in Gmail, exploring the steps, and customization options, and even utilizing templates for a seamless and professional touch. Why Email Signatures Matter An email signature serves as your digital business card. It not only provides essential contact information but also conveys a […]

AI Tools | Sahad Sarang

The Best AI Content Detection Tools for Your Website

The top AI content detection tools available for your Website. These tools employ artificial intelligence (AI) to identify content generated using AI writing tools, essential for maintaining content authenticity and preventing plagiarism. Below mention AI Tools will make content creators work faster In this blog, I’ll give you some fascinating AI Content Detection Tools: Why […]

Convert Webp image to png format | Sahad sarang

How to convert webp to jpg

WebP and JPG converters are two widely used formats, each with its advantages. WebP is known for its excellent compression capabilities and high-quality images, while JPG remains a popular choice due to its compatibility and wide support across platforms. If you find yourself needing to convert WebP to JPG, whether for compatibility reasons or other […]