Autoptimize WordPress Plugin Installation

How to Install and Configure Autoptimize WordPress Plugin


The Autoptimize WordPress plugin is a powerful tool designed to enhance the performance of your WordPress site. By optimizing various aspects of your site, Autoptimize helps reduce load times and improve user experience. This blog will explore its features, benefits, and how to set up the Autoptimize Plugin to increase your Website Speed on Google Pagespeed dev and GTmetrix.

Autoptimize Installation | sahad sarang

Features of Autoptimize WordPress Plugin:

Minification and aggregation are important functions of the Autoptimize WordPress plugin that assist in decorating your internet site’s performance by reducing the wide variety of HTTP requests and optimizing the transport of your website’s sources.

HTML minification:

Cleans up your web page’s HTML code to make it more compact. This involves removing more areas, remarks, and redundant code.

For example, an HTML report like this:

It would be minified to:

CSS minification:

Includes lowering the dimensions of CSS files by disposing of useless spaces, feedback, and characters. For instance, a CSS document to start with looks like this:

JavaScript minification:

It reduces the size of JavaScript documents by doing away with pointless characters like spaces, remarks, and line breaks without affecting the functionality of the code. For instance, a JavaScript document that starts as:

It would be minified to:

Aggregation is every other effective characteristic of Autoptimize. Instead of getting a couple of CSS and JavaScript files, which can bring about several HTTP requests, Autoptimize combines those documents into one or some larger files. This reduces the variety of requests the browser wishes to make, drastically dashing up the loading method.

Lazy Loading:

Autoptimize’s lazy loading delays the loading of images and other media until they’re needed. When a visitor lands on your site, only the necessary images load initially. As they scroll down, additional images load dynamically. This improves initial page load times, especially for image-heavy sites like portfolios or online stores.

Cache Management:

Autoptimize handles caching efficiently. It stores copies of your site’s files to serve them faster. You can configure how cached files are stored and purged. For frequently updated sites, Autoptimize automatically deletes old cached files, ensuring optimal performance.

CDN Integration:

Autoptimize seamlessly integrates with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). CDNs distribute your site’s files globally from servers closest to users. Whether your visitors are in New York, Tokyo, or Paris, they’ll experience faster load times.

Benefits of Using Autoptimize WordPress Plugin:

Improved Performance

The primary benefit of using Autoptimize is improved performance. By optimizing scripts, styles, and images, it reduces load times. Minifying CSS and JavaScript files removes unnecessary characters, making them smaller and faster to load. This leads to higher user satisfaction and can improve search engine rankings, potentially increasing traffic.

Enhanced User Experience

Enhanced user experience is another significant benefit of Autoptimize. Faster load times contribute to smoother browsing. Visitors are less likely to leave out of frustration if pages load quickly, reducing bounce rates. A quick-loading website encourages visitors to stay longer and explore more content, whether they’re reading blog posts, watching videos, or shopping. This leads to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

SEO Advantages

Search engines favor fast-loading websites because they provide a better user experience. By improving your site’s speed with Autoptimize, you can boost its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). A faster site is more likely to rank higher, making it easier for users to find when searching for relevant keywords. This can drive more organic traffic to your site, essential for growing your audience and business.

Getting Started with Autoptimize WordPress Plugin Installation:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for Autoptimize.
  4. Click Install Now and then Activate.
Autoptimize Installation


After activation, you can configure the plugin by going to Settings > Autoptimize. Here, you can enable and customize various optimization options such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML optimization.

Autoptimize WordPress Plugin Setting

Code Minification of JS, CSS, and HTML

Autoptimize Plugin Javascript Options:

Enabling all the checkboxes for javascript minification will optimize the javascript code and Aggregate js will help to load the Javascript in the head it will load faster. don’t remove exclude scripts from the box it will break your site.

Note: Aggregate Js-files It will break the website also so first test locally or on the development server test all the pages, forms, and button clicks if all things are working properly make it enabled on the live website.

Autoptimize Plugin CSS Options:

Optimize CSS code will help you to minify the Internal, external, and inline CSS

Autoptimize Plugin HTML Options:

Optimize HTML Code will minimize all the HTML tags and will reduce the page size. The developer usually creates HTML Comments to understand the code, so I recommend not selecting the Keep HTML comments box enabled.

Autoptimize CDN Options and Misc Options:

CDN Base URL is an option if you use a third party you can enter the CDN root URL. It is not required if you are using Cloudflare. Autoptimize has a few Misc optimization settings. If you’re having trouble getting optimized CSS and JS files to load on your web page, you could want to reconfigure a number of the settings below.

Autoptimze CDN url

Autoptimize Image Optimization Setting:

This is an optional feature if you want to use ShortPixel for image optimization and CDN you can check their plan. After the integration, it will help you to generate Serve WEBPs Images for your Website.

Image Optimization using Short Pixel

Lazy Load Settings:

Autoptimize is a plugin that helps make websites load faster. One of its features is lazy loading, which can improve the speed of pages with lots of images. Lazy loading means that images are only loaded when they are about to appear on the screen, instead of loading all at once when the page first opens.

However, some images, like logos and social media icons, are important and need to be seen right away. Autoptimize allows you to exclude these important images from lazy loading. This means you can choose which images will always load immediately, making sure that essential parts of your website are always visible without delay.

Autoptimize Lazy Load Images

Autoptimize Extra Options:

Autoptimize Plugins provide extra important features to reduce unnecessary code and load websites faster. We will discuss one by one section below:

What is Google Fonts?

Google Fonts is a service that offers a wide variety of fonts for your website you can install or import URL from the google fonts check How to install Google Fonts on your Website.

Google Fonts Options:

  1. Leave as is: No speed improvement, not recommended.
  2. Remove Google Fonts: Best if you don’t need Google Fonts, as they significantly speed up your site.
  3. Combine and link in head: Combines fonts and links them in the header.
  4. Combine and preload in head: Combines fonts, and preloads them in the header.
  5. Combine and load fonts asynchronously with webfont.js: Combine fonts and load them asynchronously using webfont.js.

Recommended Action: If you need Google Fonts, try the last three options to see which works best for your site.

Remove Emojis:

  • Enable this option: It removes unnecessary CSS and JavaScript for emojis, reducing page size. Most systems already support emojis.

Remove Query Strings from Static Resources:

  • Enable this option: It removes query strings (e.g., ?ver=) from static files. This doesn’t affect load time but may improve scores on performance tests like GTmetrix and Google Pagespeed.

Preconnect to 3rd Party Domains:

  • Purpose: It allows your browser to prepare connections to certain domains before making full HTTP requests, speeding up the process.
  • Example: If your site uses resources from domains like or, you can preconnect to them.
  • Limit: Add no more than six domains to avoid performance issues.

Preload Specific Requests:

  • Purpose: It tells the browsers to download certain assets (like custom fonts) as soon as possible to speed up loading.
  • Advice: Consult with a developer to decide which assets to preload, as preloading too many can slow down your site.

Async JavaScript Files:

  • Purpose: This option lets you load specific external JavaScript files asynchronously, improving page speed.
  • Advice: Test thoroughly to ensure no site functions are disrupted.

By following these tips and making the appropriate adjustments, you can significantly improve your WordPress site’s performance with Autoptimize.